
Report a Concern

We strive to conduct our business in a responsible and upright manner. We welcome concerns from anyone within or outside Reload Logistics on acts or omissions made by employees, management, our board of directors and business partners linked to the Reload Logistics operations, e.g. third party agents, brokers, vendors, suppliers or contractors/subcontractors.

Step 1 of 6

Report Your Concern Online

Do you wish to remain anonymous throughout the entire process and subsequent investigations, if any?

Do you consent to having your identity revealed on a need-to-know basis, provided you have given your written approval beforehand?


Additional information and supporting documents

Do you have any physical evidence which can be handed over?

Additional information? Please describe the physical evidence and any additional information you have

Upload documentation, if any

Max file size 10MB.
Max. file size: 100 MB, Max. files: 3.
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